Fondazione Luigi Bon
ita eng

The Festival

Carniarmonie is the international music festival of the Friulian mountains.


Every year, it involves more than 25 Friuli Venezia Giulia municipalities and hundreds of artists to offer thrilling concerts to locals and fans in the most evocative mountain locations.


From the emblematic, historic parish churches to very old ones full of artistic gems, to the magnificent panoramas of our mountain. These are enchanting places where history, tradition, nature, and music meet.


Carniarmonie presents a calendar that ranges from classical chamber and symphonic music, to jazz, to modern blends, to light opera.

The stars are the local, international and, above all, Italian musicians, closing summer days in the regional Alpine area.

Special thanks go to the patrons of the Fondazione Luigi Bon:
Fondazione Friuli, Mpm S.r.l., Oro Caffe S.r.l., High Energy Technologies S.r.l., Nanino S.r.l.
and all those who preferred to remain anonymous.


Our municipalities:
Tolmezzo (lead partner), Amaro, Ampezzo, Arta Terme, Cavazzo Carnico, Chiusaforte, Comeglians, Enemonzo, Forni Avoltri, Forni di Sopra, Forni di Sotto, Malborghetto-Valbruna, Moggio Udinese, Ovaro, Paluzza, Paularo, Pontebba, Prato Carnico, Preone, Ravascletto, Raveo, Resia, Sauris, Socchieve, Tarvisio, Verzegnis, Villa Santina.


Special thanks to all the parishes for their willingness and hospitality.

We would also like to thank all those who participated in the realisation of Carniarmonie and in particular Cristina Novelli.


Artistic Director Carniarmonie

Carniarmonie's strength lies in the fact that it always finds new proposals and ideas thanks also to the collaborations and synergies created on mutual trust between Italian and foreign cultural operators. The FVG Orchestra, the Emilia Romagna Festival, the FVG Choir, Nei Suoni dei Luoghi, Anciuti Music Festival, Simularte, Risonanze Festival, most recently Vicino Lontano and from this year Melius Srl which proposes the Living Books Library initiative enrich with ideas and proposals the sound fabric of the mountain summer that will accompany us from July to September. A major symphony concert featuring two international concert stars and our FVG Orchestra will set the tone for a festival featuring an unprecedented Piazzolla opera with music, spoken word and dance, the regional premiere of Tableaux Vivants, art in motion. The focus on Spain after the one on Czechia will bring talented musicians from the Iberian land and also jazz, operetta, genre contaminations, music of our time but especially many young people from the chamber music class of the Luigi Bon Foundation. Each evening an opportunity to discover something new together.


President of Fondazione Friuli

In summer, alongside residents who tenaciously resist, Carnia once again fills with tourists and its emigrants. All together-mixing and contaminating-they are spectators, often even active ones, of one of the most interesting musical festivals in our region.

Carniarmonie, cutting the ribbon of its 33rd edition, confirms its ability to unite in a single project a territory that stretches from Tarvisio to Forni di Sopra, from Forni Avoltri to Resia, for a total of about thirty municipalities led by Tolmezzo.

It is a cultural project in the broadest sense of the term: it is able to revive small mountain communities by enhancing their environmental and ethnographic heritage, which thus becomes a stage for local and international artists.

Credit must be given to the Fondazione Luigi Bon. Carniarmonie knows how to make nonsense of the use of the term "marginal" for an area, such as the Friulian mountains, that is able to plan its future starting from an awareness of its own potential.


Deputy Mayor and Assessor for Culture Municipality Tolmezzo

Tolmezzo, the leading municipality of the festival since its inception, continues to weave the web that connects so many administrations and parishes in the mountains with cultural threads of absolute merit and great variety.

Over the years Carnia's summer cultural offerings have multiplied, but the Carniarmonie brand never betrays and is expected by residents and tourists alike. The offer extends to rich food and wine, walks, sports activities and our museums that give the opportunity to enjoy a rich and ever-changing land.

We are waiting for you...


Vice-President and Assessor for Culture and Sport of the FVG Region

The valorization of our wonderful mountains comes through quality initiatives and, certainly, Carniarmonie, with its 33-year history, was one of the first events to create a path that, little by little, has grown both numerically and qualitatively.

The Festival has found almost total support from local administrations, demonstrating the importance of an event that unites communities and celebrates the beauty of culture and music in our most evocative mountain places.

The Autonomous Region of Friuli Venezia Giulia strongly supports Carniarmonie and the Fondazione Luigi Bon, the organizer of the successful festival, which, in addition to presenting names of national and international prestige, does not forget the enhancement and launching of young talents. I wish you all to attend the events of the festival and let yourself be carried away by the emotions that only music can give!

Fondazione Luigi Bon
Regione Autonoma Friuli Venezia Giulia Comune Capofila Tolmezzo Ministero dei Beni e delle Attività Culturali e del Turismo Io Sono Friuli Venezia Giulia
Fondazione Friuli Camera di Commercio Pordenone - Udine ERT Ente Regionale Teatrale del Friuli Venezia Giulia AIAM
PrimaCassa BIM Comunità della Montagna della Carnia Carnia Industrial Park
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