Fondazione Luigi Bon
ita eng

Aire Flamenco

The Alpina Hall
21 / 07
Saturday 21 July 2007 - Hour 20:45

India Martinez voce

Ricardo Riviera chitarra

Alvaro Panos ballerino

Laura Martinez ballerina

Paquito Gonzales percussioni


The Alpina Hall

Comeglians is part of the “Authentic Villages of Italy” association. For many years, thanks to its strategic position at the confluence of three valleys, it was an important centre for collecting and distributing wood. In the town’s hamlets, there are some historic mansions like Cjasa Botêr and Palazzo De Gleria. Located on a rocky spur is the parish church of San Giorgio (14th century), whose interior preserves precious furniture and German tapestries. It can be reached from Comeglians via a trail that climbs up through the woods. An evocative road that climbs to Mount Crostis leaves from the village of Tualis: the “Panoramica delle Vette”, a route well loved by cycling enthusiasts that reaches an altitude of 1,900 metres and offers a breathtaking view over the surrounding mountains.


Photography by Ulderica Da Pozzo

Fondazione Luigi Bon
Regione Autonoma Friuli Venezia Giulia Comune Capofila Tolmezzo Ministero dei Beni e delle Attività Culturali e del Turismo Io Sono Friuli Venezia Giulia
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