LUISA SELLO, flautista internazionale ed artista eclettica, propone uno spettacolo evocativo espresso dal suono che si trasfigura in parola e poesia.
‘QUADRI DI COLORE’ esprime un personale percorso artistico aperto a diverse forme d’arte, e da lei generato come autrice di testi, interprete musicale e regista.
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Parish Church of Santa Maria Annunziata di Castoia
Known by the toponym of Castoia, the parish church of Santa Maria Annunziata is one of the most beautiful in Carnia. Three religious buildings were built in this area: Santo Stefano (6th century), San Michele (7th century), and Santa Maria (9th-10th century). The oldest were destroyed after the earthquake of 1700, the most recent was transformed into the current parish church.
There are several masterpieces inside: the altarpiece of the Madonna of the Angels by the Carnic painter Nicola Grassi (1741, main altar); the baptistery with a 14th-century stone basin; and the wooden sculpture of Our Lady of the Assumption created by F. Demetz (1912). The old cemetery and the chapel, with frescoes by Gianfrancesco from Tolmezzo dating back to the end of the 15th century, should also be visited.
Photography by Ulderica Da Pozzo