Fondazione Luigi Bon
ita eng


Arta Terme
Savoia Palace
21 / 07
Friday 21 July 2023 - Hour 20.30

Roberto Porroni
Adalberto Ferrari clarinet e C melody
Marija Drincic cello
Marco Ricci double bass


Priscila Ribas voice

Music by A. C. Jobim, E. Gismonti, C. Lyra, L. Bonfá,

H. Villa Lobos, A. Barroso, J. Bosco
Elaborations by R. Porroni

Dream of a distant land...the particular musical qualities and tonal combinations of Cuartet, with the enticing voice of Priscila Ribas bring back the grand season of 20th century Brazilian music, from Tom Jobim to Carlos Lyra, from Luis Bonfá to Heitor Villa Lobos.
It’s a programme that comprises famous pieces like “Manha do carnaval” and “Agua de beber”, alongside little known musical gems to be discovered, like “Tide”, “Sabia”, “Amparo”. Travel on the thread of emotions.

Savoia Palace

The impressive Savoia Palace rises in the centre of Arta Terme; inside, there is a hall that regularly hosts top cultural and artistic initiatives. The structure is elevated over three floors above ground connected by an internal staircase and an elevator. The façade has a series of arches on the ground floor (walled up until the beginning of the 20th century). The central body has a series of rectangular openings with fake, columned balustrades and three balconies projecting with gabled doors. The openings are characterised by friezes with grotesque motifs.


Photography by Ulderica Da Pozzo


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