Fondazione Luigi Bon
ita eng


Church of San Nicolò
30 / 07
Sunday 30 July 2023 - Hour 20.30

Coro Natissa di Aquileia
Lorena Favot 
Sebastiano Zorza accordion
Cristina Nadal cello
Giacomo Bonutti piano

Mauro Meroi double bass

Giorgio Fritsch drums
Luca Bonutti conductor


Music by D. N. Childs, H. Badings, B. Chilcott, A. Domini,
P. Zorutti/V. Sivilotti

Maestro Luca Bonutti has created a concert involving regional artists coming from different musical genres (classical, jazz, contemporary). After a largely sacred first part, space will be given to a talented contemporary composer from our region: Alessio Domini, with his intimate and introspective Trittico. This will be followed by an homage to the Friulian poet Pietro Zorutti and his Strolics, composed for the months of April and December and set to music by the Friulian Valter Sivilotti.

Church of San Nicolò

It has been established that a church already existed in Amaro by 1350. This church was restored in 1450 and in 1650, and rebuilt in 1742. From a 1773 document, we learn that, in the past, this church had been the first branch of the parish church of Cesclans and, later, of Cavazzo.


Photography by Ulderica Da Pozzo


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Fondazione Luigi Bon
Regione Autonoma Friuli Venezia Giulia Comune Capofila Tolmezzo Ministero dei Beni e delle Attività Culturali e del Turismo Io Sono Friuli Venezia Giulia
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