Fondazione Luigi Bon
ita eng


Pierluigi Cappello Municipal Theatre
17 / 08
Thursday 17 August 2023 - Hour 20.30

Ensemble Archetipo 
Maria Ausilia D'Antona 
voice and mandola
Maria Assunta Recalina voice and percussion
Marilena Serafini liuto cantabile
Gabriele Falcone guitar
Sergio Trojse guitar
Alfredo Trojse acustic bass

The marvelous blossoming of vocal lyricism that had already sprung up in the 14th century, the Villanelle of the 15th century, the popular tradition of the Moresche, Tammurriate and Calascionate, and the cultured production of the 18th-century Neapolitan School constitute the historical and stylistic references of this musical proposal that highlights the production prior to the mid-19th century. Specifically, the fundamental examples of ancient Neapolitan song (popular, classical and author's in respect of the original sonorities) have been chosen to create a brief but effective account of the origins of a genre now recognized as a World Heritage.

Pierluigi Cappello Municipal Theatre

Resting along the banks of the Fella river, opposite the mouth of Val Raccolana, the town of Chiusaforte is part of the Tarvisio tourist district. It owes its name to an ancient Venetian fortalice demolished by the Austrians in 1833. From ancient times, it has had a strategic function of monitoring the road heading northwards along Canal del Ferro. 


Photography by Ulderica Da Pozzo


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