Fondazione Luigi Bon
ita eng


Ovaro - Luint
Church of St. Catherine
28 / 07
Sunday 28 July 2024 - Hour 11.00

Gianmaria Paschini organ
Blaž Terpin violin
Simone Sette violin
Ahmed Chia Sultan double bass

W. A. MOZART Selection of church sonatas 

A solemn feast for the patron saint of the church, Mass preceded by a short procession through the village streets. The concert will be in memory of Dr. Giovanni Battista Lupieri, the creator and financier of the Organo de Corte of Luint.

The Mass, in addition to being a spiritual moment, has always been an important social glue for the mountain population. It is from here that the idea of combining the rite with a short musical intervention of about 30 minutes, accompanied by introductions by the performers, was born, to also make music a shared experience. An initiative designed to allow those who rarely go out in the evening to listen to the notes of some historical organ works, often little played, but of absolute value for Carnia.

In collaboration with Trieste Conservatory G. Tartini”.

Church of St. Catherine

The Church of St. Catherine is located in Luint di Ovaro and was built around 1400. The present place of worship dates back to the 1700s, later renovated in 1976 following earthquake damage. Inside we can admire several frescoes by Pietro Fuluto, dating from the 16th century, as well as a tuff stoup and a wooden altarpiece by Antonio Giovanni Agostini. Also of interest is a 19th-century organ built by Pietro de Corte Di Ovasta, famous for belonging to a family of prominent organ builders. 

Friuli Venezia Giulia and its mountains have endless treasures to discover!


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