Fondazione Luigi Bon
ita eng


Arta Terme - Piano d'Arta
Church of Santo Stefano
11 / 08
Sunday 11 August 2024 - Hour 11.00

Eva Grebenc Slanič e Ivana Kopecki organ


The Mass, in addition to being a spiritual moment, has always been an important social glue for the mountain population. It is from here that the idea of combining the rite with a short musical intervention of about 30 minutes, accompanied by introductions by the performers, was born, to also make music a shared experience. An initiative designed to allow those who rarely go out in the evening to listen to the notes of some historical organ works, often little played, but of absolute value for Carnia.

In collaboration with the Music Academy of the University of Ljubljana.

Church of Santo Stefano

Built in 1781 with an unusual octagonal shape, the work of architects Domenico and Angelo Schiavi from Tolmezzo, the Piano d’Arta parish church is worth a visit. As is the church of San Nicolò degli Alzeri, erected in the 13th century next to a refuge for soldier monks and pilgrims heading for the Holy Land.


Photography by Ulderica Da Pozzo

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Fondazione Luigi Bon
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