Fondazione Luigi Bon
ita eng


Teatro Italia
24 / 07
Wednesday 24 July 2024 - Hour 20.30

Mauro Ottolini trombone, bass trumpet, sea shells
Vanessa Tagliabue Yorke voice
Thomas Sinigaglia accordion
Marco Bianchi classic guitar, haitian guitar, baritone guitar
Giulio Corini double bass
Zeno De Rossi drums
Valerio Galla percussions
Constantin Beschieru concertmaster

Nada Más Fuerte is the project that brings together some of the most beautiful songs from Latin America, from the early 20th century to the present day. Most of these songs were composed by extraordinary women composers, authors, or performers. Wrapped in brand-new string arrangements, these songs are true poems born from the lived lives of these authors. The genius jazz of Mauro Ottolini, in contact with these songs, can only enrich their structure thanks to improvisation, which enhances their meaning.

Teatro Italia

Pontebba, Pontêbe, Pontafel, in the three idioms spoken: the area was already inhabited in the Roman era. The origin of its name is not entirely clear. Some maintain it derives from the etymon pons aquae, pons viae or Pontem viae, i.e. a derivation of bridge; others, in contrast, believe that it comes from the Pontebbana river. Until the end of the First World War, the town marked the border between Italy and Austria. Pontebba is also an excellent starting point for discovering enchanting mountain valleys and the perfect place for sports, like cross-country running and hiking.


Photography by Ulderica Da Pozzo

Friuli Venezia Giulia and its mountains have endless treasures to discover!


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