Fondazione Luigi Bon
ita eng


Cave del Predil Museum Centre
15 / 08
Thursday 15 August 2024 - Hour 17.30

Urška Centa dance, vocie, palmas
Primož Fleischman saxophone
Arsenije Krstić piano
Tadej Kampl electric bass
Nino Mureškić percussions

The Sentido project is a dialogue of music and dance, an experience in percussion, blending the soul and experience of jazz with Duende, the heart of flamenco. The Sentido project navigates between flamenco and jazz, bringing out the best of both worlds to create a modern hybrid genre. Traditional guitar is imaginatively and adventurously replaced by other instruments. Arrangements emphasize flamenco over jazz, maintaining a constant presence of the flamenco rhythm section and instrumental solos that keep its mood alive. The band, unique in its kind in Slovenia, consists of four exceptional jazz musicians and dancers, with Urška Centa as the energetic driving force of the band, using her dance as a percussion instrument alongside her colleagues. The program is a broad conglomerate of smooth transitions between free creativity, improvisation, and more traditional genre forms.


Guided tour of the Museum of Mining Tradition and Mine of Cave del Predil.

Admission ticket €10 with reservation at (subject to availability).


From 3 p.m. to 4 p.m. visit to the Mine

From 16:00 to 16:45 visit to the Museum

At the end, tasting of cheese from the mine

In collaboration with Musei Tarvisio and Kulturni Dom Nova Goriza.

Cave del Predil Museum Centre

Located in the heart of the Tarvisio forest, Raibl (now Cave del Predil) is a mining village whose foundation and existence are historically linked to the presence of the most important deposits of lead and zinc in the whole Alpine arc. 


Photography by Ulderica Da Pozzo

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