Fondazione Luigi Bon
ita eng


Arta Terme - Piano d'Arta
Church of Santo Stefano
27 / 07
Saturday 27 July 2024 - Hour 20.30

Vicent Campos trumpet
Javier Caballero Ros organ


H. PURCELL Melody for trumpet 
G. F. HAENDEL Trumpet Voluntary
D. BUXTEHUDE Toccata in G maj. BuxWV 165 for organ solo
T. ALBINONI Concert for trumpet in F maj. 
H. PURCELL Sonata in D maj.
P. BRUNA Piece on the litany for the Virgin for organ solo 
T. ALBINONI Concert for trumpet in B flat maj. op. 7 n. 3

The protagonist of the next two concerts will be the famous trumpeter Vincent Campos, who received the Premio de Honor Extraordinario fin de Grado Superior in the trumpet specialty, the First Prize of the Juventudes Musicales in 1980, the First Prize “Mariano Puig” in 1982, and the National Music Award 2005 with the Grup Instrumental de Valencia. He has performed as a soloist with the main orchestras and ensembles of the Spanish musical scene and has recorded several albums and CDs as a soloist with various chamber ensembles. His method on the piccolo trumpet is the first published in Spain, and he continues to work in the field of research. He is also currently developing an international career as a soloist in Europe, America, and Asia.

Church of Santo Stefano

Built in 1781 with an unusual octagonal shape, the work of architects Domenico and Angelo Schiavi from Tolmezzo, the Piano d’Arta parish church is worth a visit. As is the church of San Nicolò degli Alzeri, erected in the 13th century next to a refuge for soldier monks and pilgrims heading for the Holy Land.


Photography by Ulderica Da Pozzo

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