Fondazione Luigi Bon
ita eng


Cavazzo Carnico
Church of San Rocco
01 / 09
Sunday 1 September 2024 - Hour 20.30

Mihaela Costea violin
Pietro Nappi cello
Liubov Gromoglasova piano


G. MARTUCCI Trio n. 1 in C maj. op. 59
D. SHOSTAKOVIC Trio n. 2 in E min. op. 67

A trio composed of musicians with extraordinary credentials (current first chairs of the Toscanini Orchestra on violin and cello, and a Russian-trained pianist whom we have already had the pleasure of appreciating) presents an exceptionally interesting program. Awarded in 1883 at the Società del Quartetto di Milano competition, Trio op. 59 decisively contributed to the national renown of the young musician Martucci, the explicit reference to the aesthetic and stylistic horizon of German chamber music is resolved in a personal signature, evident especially in the pronounced lyrical expression, the sensual Mediterranean turn of the melodic design, and the refined, sometimes French-influenced treatment of harmony. Trio No. 2 op. 67 was composed with dedication to the memory of Ivan Sollertinsky, a man of culture and music critic who was a great friend. It is a dramatic and tense piece, alternating moments of intense lyricism with playful episodes bordering on the grotesque.

Church of San Rocco

Located at the edge of the town, towards the road that led to the Maina ford, the building, with its gabled façade introduced by the wide, tripartite portico, is a treasure chest of 18th century art. A rich wooden altar preserves the painting by Giuseppe Buzzi with Saint Nicholas and Saints Vitus and Maurice, while in the wooden altar opposite, there is a late altarpiece with Saints Florian and Lawrence.

The main, triptych altar has a central altarpiece by Secante Secanti depicting the Madonna and child surrounded by Saints Daniel, Roch, Sebastian, and Lawrence. To the sides, the lavish Comuzzo frames surround the Last Supper and Christ delivering the cross to the Aquileia proto-martyrs Ermacora and Fortunato.


Photography by Ulderica Da Pozzo

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