In 1980 she became a professional photographer. She deepened her study of photographic language with F. Scianna, G. Basilico, F. Fontana. She collaborates and publishes in national newspapers. She alternates her professional activity with research work that has led to numerous exhibitions and books: Il fum e l'aga (1998); Carnia (2002); Malghe e malgari (2005); Fra mare e terra (2008); Luci a Nordest, viaggio nel FVG with texts by P. Rumiz (2012); Oltre le porte. Immagini di voci dimenticati dell'ex ospedale psichiatrico di Udine (2018), all for Forum Editor and I ragazzi del '99 1899-1999 Ritratti fotografici dalla Carnia (San Lorenzo Handels 2019). Some of her works, selected in Arles by C. Lemagny, are kept at the Bibliothèque Nationale in Paris. In 2002, CRAF awarded her the 'FVG fotografia' Prize. She participates in numerous group exhibitions. In 2013, she opened the 'Cjasa da Duga' in Salars di Ravascletto, a place dedicated to photography.
Her recent solo exhibitions include: Geografie dell’anima, Tolmezzo 2018; "Le donne del latte" with CRAF, San Vito al Tagliamento 2019; Biancolatte. Viaggio fotografico nel mondo del latte, Trieste 2019; Ragazzi del '99 1899-1999 Ritratti fotografici dalla Carnia, Udine 2020. She works between Udine and Ravascletto, loves frost and frozen spaces.