Fondazione Luigi Bon
ita eng


Socchieve - Dilignidis
Church of San Gottardo Martire
08 / 08
Thursday 8 August 2024 - Hour 20.30

Anna Molaro cello
Giovanni Molaro piano


D. SHOSTAKOVICH Sonata for cello and piano op. 40

A. PÄRT Fratres

E. GRIEG Sonata for cello and piano op. 36

A duo formed by two brothers already known in the region for their excellence in both musical performance and education, who have decided to resume performing together while refining their skills under Prof. Federica Repini at Fondazione Luigi Bon in chamber music. The music we will hear ranges from the Russian Shostakovich, with clear references to the folk music of his homeland where percussive moments alternate with intimate "nostalgia," to the late Romantic Norwegian Grieg with his intense melodiousness, drawing inspiration from the beautiful nature of the Scandinavian peninsula intertwined with the imaginative world of trolls, alternating with moments of great virtuosity. All interspersed with the mystical minimalism of contemporary Estonian composer Arvo Pärt.

Church of San Gottardo Martire

The church of San Gottardo in Dilignidis dates back to the second half of the 15th century. It is famous for its wooden sculpture of the “Madonna and Child”, created in 1486 by sculptor Domenico from Tolmezzo (1448-1507). The church also contains some frescoes: in particular, a cycle reemerged in the walls of the choir. On the front of the arch accessing the presbytery, there are another two scenes painted by Micolin (1849).


Photography by Ulderica Da Pozzo

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