Fondazione Luigi Bon
ita eng


Cavazzo Carnico - Cesclans
Parish Church of Santo Stefano
09 / 08
Friday 9 August 2024 - Hour 20.30

Anima Musicae Chamber Orchestra Budapest


W. A. MOZART Divertimento in D maj. K 136
P. I. TCHAIKOVSKY Serenade for strings in C maj. op. 48
A. PIAZZOLLA Fuga y misterio, Oblivion, Libertango

The Hungarian orchestra, founded in 2010, has performed in the world's most important concert halls in just a few years and presents a program for Carniarmonie that includes Mozart's Divertimento, composed by the Salzburg genius at the age of sixteen, absorbing and assimilating experiences and styles from others, especially from the Baroque school and Italian opera symphony. In the second part, we will hear the famous Serenade, one of Tchaikovsky's compositions corresponding to a period of personal crisis and creative stagnation that the Russian musician had to face, where the serenade pays homage to Mozart and the classicism residing more in the serene and effortless character of the piece rather than in the imitation of beloved models. In conclusion, a tribute to Piazzolla with a medley of some of his most famous pieces.

In collaboration with Emilia Romagna Festival.

Parish Church of Santo Stefano

The presence of humans in the Cesclans hill is established from at least the early centuries of the Roman era. It’s impossible to tell what kind of settlement, whether residential, fortified, or religious, since only a few eloquent traces have been discovered. It may have lasted until the 3rd century AD.

Erected on the ruins of a monumental Roman tomb dating back to the 4th-5th century, the parish church of Santo Stefano, as we know it today, bears architectural traces dating back to the 8th-9th century. It is assumed that there was a fortified wall, on which residential and storage facilities rested.

In the Antiquarium below the church, rare archaeological finds are gathered and exhibited – the results of research that occurred during the restoration after the earthquake of 1976.


Photography by Ulderica Da Pozzo

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