Fondazione Luigi Bon
ita eng


Back side of Church of Beata Vergine del Rosario e San Daniele Profeta
13 / 07
Saturday 13 July 2024 - Hour 20.30


Gabriella De Cesco voice, percussion
Sonia Altinier violin
Nicoletta Cattaruzza accordion
Giacomo Traina acoustic guitar, bouzouki, voice
Andrea Gaspardo electric bass
Claudio Mazzer classic guitar, bouzouki, percussion, flutes, voice

The musical project "Barlums - Canti d'inchiostro", was published in January this year in collaboration with the label Folkest Dischi. The idea of the album began to take shape following the writing of the song "la farina dal diaul" inspired by Carlo Ginzburg’s book "Il formaggio e i vermi". If you can make a movie script from a book, why not try to make a piece of music instead? It is essentially a CD of folk compositions by authors inspired by the songs of the oral tradition of Friuli, whose originality consists in the fact that the nine songs that compose it originated from as many books, poems, stories, novels, essays, which have as a theatre Friuli or Friulian characters.

Back side of Church of Beata Vergine del Rosario e San Daniele Profeta

The building dates to the 18th century with a façade that was completed in this century. Inside, it preserves an important series of works painted by Nicola Grassi; the altars are by Giovanni Saidero. The church has frescoes by Giovanni Moro from Ligosullo, done between 1938 and 1940.


Photography by Ulderica Da Pozzo

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