Fondazione Luigi Bon
ita eng


Parish Church of San Martino
06 / 08
Thursday 6 August 2020 - Hour 20.45

ROMINA BASSO mezzosoprano


Musiche di G. B. Riccio, G. A. Rigatti,
A. Grandi, N. Monferrato

Internazionalmente riconosciuta come punto di riferimento per la vocalità antica, Romina Basso interpreta un programma sacro assieme a Deniel Perer, nella splendida cornice della Pieve di San Martino a Cercivento. Sull’organo storico del Settecento sarà possibile ascoltare una scelta ad hoc che spazierà dal repertorio italiano barocco più conosciuto a brani di sicuro impatto, ma rarissima esecuzione pensati appositamente per il festival Carniarmonie di quest’anno.

Parish Church of San Martino

This is an 18th-century building flanked by a pinnacle bell tower with moldings in the tower. Following the earthquake of 1976, it underwent a radical renovation that partly changed how it previously looked. The most significant art works in the church include two finely made statues depicting Saint John the Baptist and Saint Filippo Neri (transformed into Saint Martin with the miter and pastoral device added later) on the main altar, which was sculpted in 1749 by the Gemona artist Sebastiano Pischutti. The statues are signed by the Venetian sculptor Francesco Bonazza (1729-1770) and were bought in Venice. The 18th-century pulpit was gilded in 1726 by Girolamo Agnese. As well as the sculptures of Christ and the Evangelists, worth mentioning are the original decorations in the shape of leaves and grape bunches dividing the various panels. The 17th-century picture with Saints Roch, Leonard, Gotthard, and Sebastian should also be noted, and, high up, the “Madonna and Child among the clouds”; there is also a pretty little ex-voto painting dated 1655 with Our Lady of the Girdle and a picture depicting the death of Saint Joseph. The old organ by Angelo Morassi also stands out with 27 pipes arranged in a spire with converging wings.


Photography by Ulderica Da Pozzo

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