Fondazione Luigi Bon
ita eng


Ovaro - Liariis
Church of San Vito
20 / 08
Sunday 20 August 2023 - Hour 9.30 inizio Messa / 9.30 am starts Mass

Gianmaria Paschini organ

Music by B. Cordans, J. S. Bach, F. Mendelssohn, G. B. Candotti

After Mass dedicated to Don Santo de Caneva who died a year ago, a great music lover and donor of the organ in the same church.

The Mass, besides being a spiritual moment, has always been a very important social bond for the mountain population. It is from here, in fact, that arose the idea to combine the rite with a short musical intervention of about 30 minutes, accompanied by performers’ introductions, to make music a sharing experience as well. An initiative conceived to give those who rarely leave home in the evenings the chance to listen to the notes of some historic organs, often little played, but of absolute value to Carnia.

Church of San Vito

The church of Santi Vito e Crescenzia Martiri, better known as the church of San Vito, dates back to 1500. It underwent restoration halfway through the 1700s and was demolished at the end of the 1950s, after the Second World War. It was rebuilt in the 1960s and, following the earthquake in 1976, was restored in the 1980s. You can now admire it in its splendor thanks to a restoration carried out in 2001.


Photography by Ulderica Da Pozzo


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