Fondazione Luigi Bon
ita eng


Forni Avoltri
Cinema Hall
16 / 08
Friday 16 August 2024 - Hour 20.30

Music by Guido Cergoli & Riccardo Pitacco
Lyrics by Massimo Favento
Characters and Performers:
Ondina Covacich Michela Cembran
Brunetta Eleonora Lana
Mariuccia Elena Caineri
Edy Bevilaqua/Vodopivec/Drinkwater Giacomo Segulia
The 1000 Streets’ Orchestra - Lumen Harmonicum



Perhaps not everyone knows that after World War II, Trieste and Venezia Giulia were Italian only starting in 1954. Seventy years later, Hello Trieste! intends to artistically reconstruct highlights of this very important historical transition. The show is scheduled for "La Rievocazione," a talk-show evening organized by a highly popular local TV station to recall, without too much depth, the memory of the bloody riots of the previous autumn, when groups of young students, followed by almost the entire city, took to the streets calling for Italy in the frenzied final months of the Allied Military Government. To evoke the era with musical interludes, the host has also invited a swing group, tasked with performing music by Guido Cergoli, one of the most active musicians from Trieste and Italy in the early '50s, titling the musical performance: Hello Trieste! A Boogie-Woogie Called Italy. Concert organized by ERT FVG in collaboration with Carniarmonie.

Concert organized by ERT FVG in collaboration with Carniarmonie

Cinema Hall

The name of the town appears for the first time cited in a deed of donation dating back to 778 AD. The municipality rises along the banks of the Degano river and, thanks to its 900-metres altitude, it is not only one of the most northern towns in Friuli but also one of the most elevated. It is situated in the splendid district of the Carnic Alps, where Mount Coglians towers – the highest peak in the region with its 2,780 metres. It is an ideal place for a holiday for those who love sport, pristine nature, silence, peace, and the culture of traditions.


Photography by Ulderica Da Pozzo

Friuli Venezia Giulia and its mountains have endless treasures to discover!


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