Fondazione Luigi Bon
ita eng


Tarvisio - Camporosso
Sanctuary of Mount Lussari
19 / 08
Friday 19 August 2022 - Hour 18:30

Coro del Friuli Venezia Giulia
Orchestra San Marco
di Pordenone
Ernest Hoetzl direttore


J. S. Bach
Cantata Der Herr denket an uns, BWV 196
Mottetto Singet dem Herrn ein neues Lied, BWV 225
Cantata Es ist euch gut, daß ich hingehe, BWV 108


Il Santuario del Monte Lussari rappresenta il luogo simbolo dove la cultura tedesca, slava e latina si incontrano in un progetto transfrontaliero e dove musicisti italiani tedeschi e sloveni si incontreranno per interpretare, in una serata di profonda spiritualità, le pagine sacre di J. S. Bach.

Concerto inserito nel progetto transfrontaliero In cammino/Reisewege nell’ambito del programma Interreg V-A Italia Austria 2014-2020.

Sanctuary of Mount Lussari

For centuries, the eastern-most peaks of the Alps were the natural border between the Latin, Germanic, and Slavic worlds. Today, in a time of peace, they still speak the languages of these peoples and are a land of meeting and friendship. At the extreme north-east of Italy, Mount Lussari is the symbol of this, with its sanctuary that can easily call itself European, being a destination for pilgrimages of all three peoples.

According to an ancient tradition, the sanctuary has its origins in 1360, following a series of miraculous events. A shepherd found his sheep flock kneeling around a bush and, with great wonder, realised that there was a little statue of the Madonna and Child in the centre of the bush. The shepherd delivered the statue to the Camporosso parish church, but the following morning the statue was again found on Lussari, again surrounded by the kneeling sheep. The episode was repeated a third time. Informed of the event, the Patriarch of Aquileia ordered that a chapel be built on the site.

There are no longer traces of the original chapel: the current building is the result of reconstructions and extensions of a 16th-century building.

Il Friuli Venezia Giulia e le sue montagne hanno infinite ricchezze da scoprire!


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