Fondazione Luigi Bon
ita eng


Moggio Udinese
Abbey of San Gallo
15 / 09
Sunday 15 September 2024 - Hour 20.30

Federico Guglielmo conductor



J. G. NAUMANN Overture from “La Clemenza di Tito”
D. DALL’OGLIO Symphony in A maj. for arches and continuous op. 1 n. 2
M. L. LOMBARDINI SIRMEN Concert in B flat maj. for violin and arches 

F. BENDA Symphony in C maj. for arches and continuous
J. GOTTLIEB GRAUN Symphony in G maj.
G. TARTINI Concert in D maj. for violin e arches

The Tartini Bis Project, winner of the Interreg VI-A Italy-Slovenia 2021-2027 call for proposals, and its Tartini Youth Orchestra have among their objectives to highlight the figure of Tartini, a composer from our lands and a true European artist. A great virtuoso, composer, teacher, even scientific researcher as far as music is concerned, he was a point of reference for all music of the time transcending national borders and influencing the artists of the time that we will be able to hear in this concert resulting from the work of the great violinist and teacher Federico Guglielmo.


This is one of four concerts featuring the Tartini Youth Orchestra, between Friuli Venezia Giulia, Veneto and Slovenia, at the conclusion of its training period at the Luigi Bon Foundation.


The others concerts directed by M° Federico Guglielmo are:




Abbey of San Gallo

The abbey of San Gallo was founded in 1085 by the Patriarch of Aquileia Friedrich of Bohemia and consecrated by the Patriarch Ulrich of Eppenstein in 1119.

The history of the thousand-year-old abbey is a reminder of moments of splendor, like those cited in the 1250 document of Abbot Ghiberto, with the minute description of the complex. And a reminder of inauspicious events, like that of 1400 with its sacking by Louis of Teck’s troops, to its abolition in 1884 and the purchase by the Mangilli-Leoni counts, to the earthquakes of 1976 and 2001.

Today, the abbey dominates the valley from the hill of the same name and draws the tourist’s gaze. A popular destination for pilgrims and visitors, the abbey sits alongside the church, the cloister, the prison tower and the Antiquarium – a small museum where the remains from Roman-era and High Middle Ages have been gathered.


Photography by Ulderica Da Pozzo

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