Fondazione Luigi Bon
ita eng


Zita Chapel
23 / 08
Sunday 23 August 2020 - Hour 11.00

CARLO TORLONTANO corno delle alpi


Musiche di R. Bartesch, A. Zimmermann, L. Boëllmann, A. Pärt,

G. D’Aquila, J. Daetwyler, F. Angelis, L. Mozart






in caso di maltempo Palazzo Veneziano

Due strumenti legati alle più antiche tradizioni e culture popolari che con le loro sonorità producono magiche atmosfere ed evocano memorie del passato. Quale miglior luogo se non la suggestiva Cappella Zita, in Valbruna, per fare da cornice a un recital unico con un programma accattivante.


  • CAPPELLA ZITA: dalla strada della Val Saisera seguire le indicazioni per Cappella Zita.
    Dislivello: 700m circa da Valbruna.
    Tempo di percorrenza: circa 2 ore lungo un facile percorso su strada forestale.
  • CONSIGLI: scarponcini o scarpe da trekking, acqua e pranzo al sacco, cappellino e protezione solare, plaid o cuscino per sedersi sull’erba.

In collaborazione con: Risonanze

Zita Chapel

At 1515 metres altitude, along the trail that leads to the peak of Piccolo Miezegnot, there is Zita Chapel, a small religious building constructed by Styrian soldiers of the 10th territorial battalion. A small mountain cemetery had already been established in this place in the months before the chapel was built in 1917, according to a design by lieutenant Kielmannsegg.

The chapel was dedicated to the woman who at the time had become the new Empress, Zita of Bourbon-Parma, wife of Charles I, who took the throne after the death of Franz Joseph I.

This small place for prayer is in the Gothic style, with a single opening that you access after climbing five steps. Inside, a small altar stands in front of two crucifixes. It is an original work, which miraculously survived all the catastrophic events of the 20th century. Restored in 1984, today it is the location of a commemoration that takes place every year on August 15th for the dead of all wars, organized by the voluntary firefighters of Valbruna.

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