Fondazione Luigi Bon
ita eng


Cavazzo Carnico - Cesclans
Parish Church of Santo Stefano
20 / 07
Thursday 20 July 2023 - Hour 20.30

Massimo Mercelli flute

Carlo Torlontano alphorn

Rūta Lipinaitytė concertmaster

Estonian Sinfonietta Soloists


Music by W. A. Mozart, A. Zimmermann, A. Pärt, A. Vivaldi, L. Mozart

Great interpreters like the Estonian Sinfonietta Soloists and a friend of Carniarmonie, which Massimo Mercelli has been for years, will let us listen to some famous pieces for strings and flute. They will be joined by the alphorn of Maestro Torlontano playing a piece by Anton Zimmermann, an acclaimed contemporary of Haydn and Mozart who pursued his sadly short musical career in Bratislava, then the capital of Hungary. There is also a fitting tribute to the music of Arvo Pärt, the renowned Estonian composer, highly regarded for his spiritual dimension and emotional transparency: a “sacred minimalism”.

In collaboration with Emilia Romagna Festival and with the support of Estonain Ministry of Culture and Estonian Cultural Endowment

Parish Church of Santo Stefano

The presence of humans in the Cesclans hill is established from at least the early centuries of the Roman era. It’s impossible to tell what kind of settlement, whether residential, fortified, or religious, since only a few eloquent traces have been discovered. It may have lasted until the 3rd century AD.

Erected on the ruins of a monumental Roman tomb dating back to the 4th-5th century, the parish church of Santo Stefano, as we know it today, bears architectural traces dating back to the 8th-9th century. It is assumed that there was a fortified wall, on which residential and storage facilities rested.

In the Antiquarium below the church, rare archaeological finds are gathered and exhibited – the results of research that occurred during the restoration after the earthquake of 1976.


Photography by Ulderica Da Pozzo


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Fondazione Luigi Bon
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