Fondazione Luigi Bon
ita eng


Candoni Theatre
21 / 07
Sunday 21 July 2024 - Hour 20.30

Roberto Porroni guitar
Marija Drincic cello
Adalberto Ferrari clarinet e C-melody 
Marco Ricci double bass


Laura Borromeo, Roberto Orru tango dancers
Elda Olivieri actress



Reconstruction and reworking by ROBERTO PORRONI

In 1987, the Intar Hispanic American Arts Center in New York commissioned Astor Piazzolla for a theatrical production that was to include music, dance, and poetry. Piazzolla conceived one of his most beautiful and intense works, comprising 14 pieces, some danced, interspersed with recitations of texts based on Luis Borges' poem "La noche cíclica," in which the Argentine poet develops his idea of the eternal return of things and history. The surprising thing is that this music, along with the entire show's script, was completely lost. They had not been printed, and to bring these extraordinary pieces back to life, it was necessary to reconstruct the notes played by Piazzolla from the precious LP.


6:30 PM Appointment with “Living Books Library” – Latteria Cazzaso

In collaboration with Melius srl. - impresa sociale

Candoni Theatre

Four kilometres from Tolmezzo, the centre of Carnia, the village of Illegio is worth a visit. It is situated in a green valley surrounded by a crown of pristinely beautiful mountains. From spring until autumn, the town becomes the site of an important international sacred art exhibition in the village's exhibition house.


Photography by Ulderica Da Pozzo

Friuli Venezia Giulia and its mountains have endless treasures to discover!


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Fondazione Luigi Bon
Regione Autonoma Friuli Venezia Giulia Comune Capofila Tolmezzo Ministero dei Beni e delle Attività Culturali e del Turismo Io Sono Friuli Venezia Giulia
Fondazione Friuli Camera di Commercio Pordenone - Udine ERT Ente Regionale Teatrale del Friuli Venezia Giulia AIAM
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