Fondazione Luigi Bon
ita eng


Arta Terme - Piano d'Arta
Church of Santo Stefano
08 / 09
Sunday 8 September 2024 - Hour 20.30

Mihaela Costea violin
Silvia Chiesa cello
Linda Di Carlo piano


Air Russe varié op 7 for piano

Andante sostenuto from the sonata for cello and piano op. 46,

Scherzo from sonata op. 37 for violin and piano,
Trio for piano, violin and cello op. 34.

How does artistic talent arise? What enables it to grow and develop? What internal forces and environmental circumstances allow a passion for art to transform into a true profession? Is it true that with equal talent and opportunities, women can achieve the same goals as men? These are some of the questions addressed by the performance "Une Femme Savante": the narrative alternates with four musical interventions dedicated to the figure of Louise Farrenc, an extraordinary composer, pianist, educator, and publisher, on the 220th anniversary of her birth. Through letters, reviews, and documents of the time, Silvia Chiesa, Mihaela Costea, and Linda Di Carlo recount the journey of a woman who managed to overcome the prejudices of a traditionally male-dominated environment like the French music scene of the 19th century, asserting her professionalism as a Conservatory professor and achieving equal pay to her male colleagues.

Church of Santo Stefano

Built in 1781 with an unusual octagonal shape, the work of architects Domenico and Angelo Schiavi from Tolmezzo, the Piano d’Arta parish church is worth a visit. As is the church of San Nicolò degli Alzeri, erected in the 13th century next to a refuge for soldier monks and pilgrims heading for the Holy Land.


Photography by Ulderica Da Pozzo

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